Thursday, June 18, 2015

#1 Question everything!

Most of us believe in Islam because we were born into Muslim families. We inherited Islam instead of choosing it.

The process of indoctrination begins from the cradle and continues until our minds aren't even able to consider the possibility that our religion may not be the right one after all. 

Abraham, the Father of Three Faiths, was born in the house of Terah, an idolater who made and sold idols for a living. If he was as lazy as we are, he would not have questioned the faith of his father and smashed the idols. 

I am not implying that Islam isn't the only true religion (or vice versa). The point I am trying (and probably failing) to make here is that we need find out the truth ourselves

Let me ask you a question: Who would be more careful with their money? A person who inherited the money from her/his father OR the person who worked hard to earn it? Obviously, the person who worked hard to earn the money would value it far more than the one who simply inherited it.  

Same is the case with religion. We do claim to be muslims, and claim to love the prophet, and Allah but do we really follow the teachings of our faith?

From what I have observed, reverts as compared to us who inherited Islam, cherish it and follow it more religiously than we do. They are religious in the true sense of the word. And we? We are just fanatics. Religion is a birthright for us. Something to squabble about. For them it's a way of life.

Having inherited the religion instead of attaining it, we treat it like a piece of land instead of seeing it as a set of rules by which we should live our lives. And just like people fight over land, we fight over faith, each claiming that s/he is right and the other is wrong (kafir). 

It isn't a competition. This isn't the Game of thrones. There is no Iron throne. Islam is simply an ideology, a way of life. If you find the truth in it, follow it with all your heart and soul. You're not competing with anyone. You shouldn't be doing it for someone else. Do it for yourself. 

And you can't do it if you are just a Muslim because your parents were muslims. You have to question your religious beliefs. I know it is hard to even think of questioning your beliefs because the indoctrination you were subjected to since your birth is so effective that the mere thought of going beyond or even questioning your inherited religion is regarded as a dangerous lack of faith that supposedly merits divine wrath.

Questioning your beliefs doesn't necessarily mean that you will end up renouncing them. Most probably you will become clearer on the truths that you already believe in. It might even strengthen your faith and make you a better believer!


  1. The time you took to write this article though..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The need of the hour.

    P.s. at last a post from you. Good to read to again :)
